Saturday, October 8, 2016

He Gives More

In tomorrow's gospel reading we come across ten leprosy afflicted persons crying out to Jesus, "Jesus, take pity on us."

Something strange happens here.

What they ask of Jesus is some alms. What they receive is cure from their leprosy.

At times it is better to ask nothing from God. Just a shout is enough. He gives in such a way that our hands can't contain.

How good it would be if were gods!

Giving. And giving. Not counting the shouts.

1 comment:

  1. " How good it would be if we were gods!".... One cannot aspire for anything higher than this just to satisfy His/ Her devotees in a way their hands cannot contain.Very often we see ourselves and people around us afflicted with leprosy in its different forms...leprosy of power, hatred,greed,gealousy & so on.We don't either approach Him and even if we do so, it's with lots of ifs& buts. It's high time that we realise that " it's not our own merit but His generosity" that stretches out His merciful hands towards us. "Ask and Thou shall receive" says the Bible.Let's count our Blessings that He has showered on us and go Him with the true belief that He is a God who can help us even before we shout for the same.Thanks & appreciation to dear Father for your encouraging words that can inspire any one to lean on to The divine mercy.Love& Godbless....
