Friday, October 7, 2016

An Unnamed Woman

You must be very careful when you are in a crowd. Anything or anyone may turn up. Crowds are always dangerous.

A woman from the crowd shouts to Jesus: "blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that suckled you."

Jesus encounters this unawares. Yet he handles the situation beautifully.

"Blessed more is the one who listens to the word and keeps it."

Jesus takes the unknown woman in the crowd to a second level of meaning.

Everything that exists has two meanings: surface meaning, deeper meaning.

Jesus takes the woman from surface meaning to deeper meaning.

At the surface level Mary bore Jesus in her wombs and suckled him in her bosom. At the deeper level she listened to the word and kept it.

Today we shall see each other not at the surface level, but at the deeper level.

God bless.


  1. Yes, everything that exists has two meanings but it's always we who' re confused between the surface meening & the deeper one.In comparison,one might think that the deeper meaning stands above the surface one but here in this context I think Jesus in a very subtle manner endorses the words of the woman in the crowd who says.."Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that suckled you".... there by glorifying 'motherhood.' When this fact is acknowledged who could ever deny the fact that " Blessed more is the one who listens to the word of God and keeps it." Most often both these meanings are inter- related...without one the other becomes meaningless.How are we handling our brethren? Having accepted them at the surface level, we need understand them at the deeper level too.Yes, only then our words could be translated into action.My words of appreciation to you dear Father for having said something nice about 'motherhood' tho' in a subtle manner.May God bless us!!!....

  2. Contd....This woman of this day's passage tho' referred to as 'Unnamed' and unknown,has been raised to the level of many 'known' characters of The Bible for having proclaimed & acknowledged His mother to the crowd. Let's also learn the virtue of appreciating the goodness of others in a 'generous' way....Love...

  3. When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch."
    ... Luke 5 :4
    Our Lord calls us to go further deep as we progress... deeper in His mercy...and wisdom...

    அவர் பேசி முடித்தபின்பு சீமோனை நோக்கி, "ஆழத்திற்குத் தள்ளிக்கொண்டு போய், மீன் பிடிக்க உங்கள் வலைகளைப் போடுங்கள்" என்றார்.

    லூக்கா நற்செய்தி 5 :4
